Bexley Voice offers parents and carers the opportunity to talk with those supporting SEND families in Bexley, to help them gain a clearer picture of families' lived experiences' with SEND children, enabling them to build on good practice and improve the journey for families in the future.
The Lived Experience session is not so much of benefit to the parents, it is more about providing an opportunity for the local authority and ICB (Integrated Care Board) to speak with parents regarding a service area in need of improvement and/or that the parents have flagged up as needing to be reviewed.
Why attend?
- Get your voice heard
- Improve services for SEND families through co-production with service provider
- Improve communication and joined up working between you and professionals
- Know that you are being listened to
Previous sessions included:
- 2024 - EBSA, ADHD, Speech and Language and OT therapies
- 2023 - Preparing for Adulthood and Down's Syndrome
- 2022 and previous years - Specific advice and support; Securing an educational setting for my child, Seeking advice and support for my child with additional needs, Noticing there were differences in my child’s development
Who can attend?
They are available to Bexley Voice members. If you are not a member, click here to apply to join (free membership is open to parents and carers of children or young people with special needs or disabilities who live in Bexley borough and/or attend a Bexley borough educational setting).
Do I need to book?
Yes, spaces are limited, you will need to complete the booking form on our events calendar.
Although the workshops are provided free of charge, they do require Bexley Voice resources to run (finances and volunteer time), so it is very important that any registered places are taken up. If you know that you cannot attend a session, for which you have registered, we respectfully request that you let us know in advance, so that we can either offer someone else a space or postpone the session. If you need to cancel on the day, due to unforeseen circumstances, please let us know as soon as possible, even if this is after the event. We understand fully that on the day there can be emergencies which mean people cannot attend sessions for which they have registered.
Please contact:
When are they held?
Various dates. Click on the events calendar for more information and to book a place.
The next session will be coming soon...