We offer free membership to parent carers with children and young people (0-25) with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) who live in and/or attend an educational setting in the London Borough of Bexley. We also encourage free membership to professionals working within education, health and social care, who support children and young people age 0-25 in the borough of Bexley, with a connection to special needs and/or disabilities. 

Benefit of parents and carer membership:
  • Access to our telephone helpline during term time for one-to-one information and signposting
  • Access to our members Facebook group for peer support (by invite only)
  • Monthly Tea & Talk support group for peer support; information and one-to-one bookable sessions with the local authority, health and relevant voluntary sector organisations
  • Regular half termly information bulletins sent straight to your inbox
  • Be the first to hear about our popular parent workshops and events
  • Be influential in improving services for SEND children and young people in Bexley


(Please note that our Membership Officer works 4 hours per week and term time only, so bear with us.)