As a Bexley Voice parent carer member, we encourage you to join our very active members' Facebook group (well over 1000 active members).
Benefits of joining:
- Ask questions and chat with other members
- Share information, giving support and advice to each other
- Share experiences and views with other members
- Receive information about Bexley Voice workshops and events and those of other SEND organisations
- Have an opportunity to share your views regarding improving SEND services for children and young people in Bexley via surveys
- To know that you are not alone!
The Bexley Voice Members’ Facebook group is 'private', protecting members of the group and allowing them to discuss personal issues with other members. It is only open to Bexley Voice members, who have agreed to abide by the Bexley Voice Social Media Policy. Non-compliance will result in individuals being removed from the group.
How do I join?
If you are not a member of Bexley Voice, click here to join as a parent and carer member. (Please note that our Membership Officer works 4 hours per week term time only, so bear with us).
If you are a member of Bexley Voice and now wish to join the Bexley Voice Members' Facebook complete the online application form here
Please note that this group is not searchable and is by invitation only. Members are not allowed to 'join' other members. Generally, professionals are not allowed (please refer to our Social Media Policy for exceptions). All members agree to our Social Media Policy when requesting to join the group.
If you are not sure if you are already a member, please contact Frances Bush,