Bexley Voice is a parent-led, independent charity who represents the voice of parent carers of SEN children and young people. We operate with a very small staff team and an army of volunteers, including parent reps who represent our parents in particular areas of SEN e.g. early years etc. 


This will vary, depending on the area of involvement. Broadly, a rep does the following:

  • Commits to attending a series of meetings (boards, task and finish groups and/or planning meetings)
  • Acts as the Bexley Voice named contact for the local authority in this area
  • Receives the minutes and attachments and prepares for the meeting (sharing where appropriate with the Bexley Voice team beforehand to identify areas of concern and/or issues to raise)
  • Attends the meetings and ensures, if not able to attend, that they organise another BV rep to cover and advise the meeting organiser
  • Writes up brief notes after the meeting to circulate to the team and forward formal minutes

If you are interested, please complete a Volunteer Form or contact the Chief Operating Officer, Jacqueline Bobb for an initial chat.  

What is the time commitment?

Most meetings are held quarterly and require you to read papers; attend the meeting; write brief notes of key points and issues and liaise with the team.   

What support is available for me in this role?

We usually work in pairs, so that reps can support each other, especially in the early days.