Learning Disability Team Bexley (Bexley LD Team)

Block B, Queen Mary’s Hospital, 
Frognal Avenue,
Sidcup, DA14 6LT

Phone: 020 8269 3300
Email: oxl-tr.bexleyaldreferrals@nhs.net
Web: Learning Disability Team (Bexley) 

The team provides specialist community health services to people over the age of 18 with learning disabilities living in Bexley.

Psychologists, community nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, transition team and the consultant psychiatrist are all based here. The team is available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

Referral information

All referrals are subject to the team’s eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • Aged 18 or over – and
  • Learning Disability diagnosis confirmed – and
  • Registered with a local GP – i.e. within Bexley – and
  • Presenting with ‘complex’ additional (co-morbid) health needs
Complexity is defined as:

"The impact of the learning disability on the co-morbid health needs is such that management of the condition goes beyond the capacity of mainstream NHS services."

Direct and frequent contact with adult learning disability health services is required to ensure the stability of the condition and/or improve health outcomes.

Personal Health Profiles

The Department of Health has recently produced guidance on PHPs. In line with this guidance, the PHPs provide a format that can be recognised by all NHS services. When health needs are identified, either in health checks, at the opticians, dentists or by any other health professionals, a plan can be written down so that the owner of the PHP can organise the right support/action to meet their needs. The summary sheets at the back of the PHP (yellow pages) provide a useful snapshot of current health needs.