This section of our website is designed to provide information to parents and carers of young people on the process of Preparing for Adulthood and to direct them to sources of support and additional resources, to help them support their young person transition into adulthood.
What is preparing for adulthood?
The term 'Preparing for Adulthood' is used to describe the process of moving from childhood into adulthood for young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND). It is also known as 'Transition'.
Preparing for Adulthood means identifying the support a young person will need to live as full and active an adult life as possible and includes preparing for the following outcomes:
- Higher education and/or employment
- Independent living
- Participating in society
- Being as healthy as possible in adult life
The formal preparing for adulthood pathway starts when a young person is in Year 9 (13 or 14 years old). It may continue beyond the age of 19 for some young people if they require a longer period in education or training in order to achieve their outcomes and make an effective transition.
Support for the transition process from some agencies may continue until the young person is 25.
Please click on the topics below to find out more: