
Click here for an accessibility guide.

Access Card 

Get your access requirements recognised at thousands of events, attractions, venues, and locations across the UK and beyond.

ARFID Awareness Cards 

A small cost for 3 cards. (Can be used for food shopping, in restaurants, for events/festivals may need to bring own food drinks onsite with them.)

Car Signs

There are over 150 disabled child car sign templates that can be customised. 

CEA Card

The CEA Card scheme is intended to benefit everyone who might face barriers that require someone’s assistance when visiting the cinema. ​The Card enables a disabled cinema guest to receive a complimentary ticket for someone to go with them when they visit a participating cinema.

Disability ID Card

Not every disability is visible
The DID card is a Nationally recognised Disabled Identification Card.

Radar Key (for use to access disabled toilet facilities)

The National Key Scheme (NKS) offers disabled people independent access to locked public toilets around the country. Toilets fitted with National Key Scheme (NKS) locks can now be found in shopping centres, pubs, cafes, department stores, bus and train stations and many other locations in most parts of the country. You can purchase a key here.

In Bexley, Radar keys can be obtained from the management and security offices at the Broadway Shopping Centre, Bexleyheath on the first floor or from Disability Rights UK

Sunflower Lanyard 

The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower is a simple tool for you to voluntarily share that you have a disability or condition that may not be immediately apparent – and that you may need a helping hand, understanding, or more time in shops, at work, on transport, or in public spaces.