Bexley Early Years Advisory Team

The Early Years Team of project officers and advisers offer advice and support to the managers and Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) in pre-schools, childminders, full day-care settings and nurseries in the Private, Voluntary and Independent (PVI) sector.  Find out more here

The one-stop-shop platform to find everything SEND for Bexley Early Years:

Bexley Early Years SEND Platform | Bexley Early Years

Support in the early years 

Information from Contact.

Childcare Choices 

Government website for help with childcare costs for parents. 

0-19 Children's Public Health Service 

Health Visitors support families in Bexley with children aged 0 to 4. This site provides information about all aspects of your child’s health, development and wellbeing. The 0 to 4 years section of the Children's Public Health Service website can be found here

Born ready, school ready

Ideas and information to get your child ready for nursery or school. You can download the document here.