Schools, colleges and early years settings

Would you like Bexley Voice to visit your school SEN coffee morning, open day or other existing school events? Visits can range from a 10-15 minute introduction to Bexley Voice to a 1-2 hour session, including information, signposting and discussion. 

Why invite us?
  • Learn more about Bexley Voice and the support that we offer to parent carers
  • Discuss relevant SEND issues affecting SEND parents
  • Learn more about SEN services locally and nationally
  • Tailormade discussions about specific topics (if required)
  • Find out about upcoming opportunities to get involved (consultations, workshops, parent groups etc)
  • Information on how to become a member, how you can get involved, our events, website, and Facebook group
  • Learn about the Bexley Local Offer and how to access it
Who is it for?

The session is suitable for:

  • parents and carers of children with or without a formal diagnosis, with SEN Support or who have an EHC Plan
  • parents and carers looking for more information on what is available to help them support their child/young person with additional needs and disabilities
What do I need to do now?

•    Professionals: you can request a visit by completing the online form
•    Parent and Carers: If you would like us to visit your child's school, please ask your SENCO or Head Teacher to complete the online form

Community events

If you are organising (or are aware of) any community events, focussing on SEND in the borough of Bexley please complete the online form, to let us know, with good notice, so that we provide an information table.

Contact: or  

Gravel Hill Primary School in Bexley 

"Bexley Voice held a really informative parent workshop in our school. It was great to hear about the work Bexley Voice do, although I was aware of the brilliant support they offer for parents and carers in Bexley, I wasn't aware of many of the services they offered, and it was very useful for our parents to hear. Their passion and expertise really shines through when they talk about the work they do and I wish more parents were aware of what they offer. I will continue to signpost them in my daily work but also share what they can offer with colleagues to get the word out there more." Gemma Smith - SENCo Gravel Hill


Parkway Primary School in Bexley 

The meeting was very informative and was presented in a relaxed, welcoming, parent-friendly manner. It was great that parents were given an overview of the work of Bexley Voice and the support than can be offered to parents through workshops, e-bulletins, my guides, engagement groups, tea and talk sessions and Facebook to name but a few.
Parents were given the opportunity to talk about their own experiences and share concerns and strategies that work for them. Parental feedback was very positive. One parent commented: “I don’t feel so alone now. The whole SEND system can be really daunting and it’s so nice to know that other parents are going through the same things as me. I now know where I can get extra help and support. Thank you."