Urgent help for mental health
It's important to know that support services are available for you to access, whatever you’re going through. Where to get urgent mental health support.
What is mental wellbeing in children and young people?
Mental wellbeing is not simply the absence of mental illness; it is a broader indicator of social, emotional and physical wellness. It is influenced by a range of factors, including a child or young person's family, their community, and school environment, their physical health and their social and emotional skills.
Mental wellbeing can be defined as feeling good, feeling that life is going well and feeling able to get on with daily life.
Local Services:
- Bexley 0-19 Public Health Service - Teen Health Bexley 11-19 years
- BYPDAS - young people's drug and alcohol service in Bexley
- CAMHS - Bexley Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) provided by Oxleas NHS Foundation
CAMHS provides specialist mental health services for children and young people from birth to 18 years and their families who are registered with a Bexley GP or who are Looked After by the London Borough of Bexley. Tel: 020 3260 5200 - CAMHS resources
- Headscape - website developed by Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust for young people who live in Bexley
- Kooth - one-to-one emotional wellbeing service
- With you - support for young people in Kent
National Services:
- Beat - Eating disorders
- Childline - Online, on the phone, anytime. Call 0800 1111
- Child Bereavement UK - rebuilding lives together
- Place2Be - Improving children's mental health
- Stem 4 - supporting teenage mental health
- Shout - texting mental health support
- South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust - Eating disorders
- Winston's Wish - Giving hope to grieving children
- Young Minds - for young people and parents
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