We work hard to raise funds to continue and expand our work in Bexley, so really appreciate any support that you are able to give us. 

Ways to donate: 
  • Via our donate button below: (to pay through PayPal using your PayPal account or your bank credit/debit card)



How Bexley Voice's funds are managed

Bexley Voice has a board of Trustees, who ensure that our funds, whatever the source, are used in line with our constitution's aims and objectives. Spending is agreed and documented, to ensure that donations, made in good faith, are used fairly, effectively and within the parameters of our policies and standards of the Charity Commission. 

Bexley Community Lottery
Play the Bexley Community Lottery

The Bexley Community Lottery is an exciting weekly lottery that raises money for good causes in Bexley. All good causes supported by the lottery will benefit Bexley and its residents.
Play the lottery, support Bexley Voice  - it’s that simple!
​You can support Bexley Voice by buying a ticket here.